Hi friend!
Habits are the building blocks of our lives.
I grew up with my mom telling me “brush your teeth and wash your face” and “clean your room”. I saw those tasks just as items on a checklist; things I just needed to get done to be organized.
But, now I realize how habits create my life: Making my bed upon waking up every morning has made my room a place of comfort; morning meditations have helped me cultivate a positive mindset; carving out designated weekday evening study time has tremendously helped my study routine go from stressful bouts of work the day of a deadline (oops) to consistent efforts.
After trying a testing habits upon habits, here are 7 that can set you up for success:
- Read for Pleasure
On top of being entertaining, just six minutes of reading can reduce stress by 68% according to a study by the University of Sussex! Plus, books benefit academic and professional life not just because of their cognitive benefits in vocabulary, spelling, and mathematics found in a British Cohort Study, but also a phenomenal tool for anybody looking to explore new knowledge!
- Create a Daily To-Do List: Create a to-do list with realistic and measurable goals for the day
A month ago, I started approaching my days more intentionally by jotting down a handful of very manageable, achievable goals to complete (eg: respond to my teacher’s email or go for a run). When I complete a task, I check it off. According to the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, crossing off an item on your to-do list is highly satisfying for your brain and helps you complete your goals!
- Implement a Self-Care Practice:
Is it so easy to neglect self-care and give your mind time to relax.
But, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, self-care not only helps you de-stress (which feels amazing!), but also increases your energy. So, do a relaxing activity like taking a bath, doing a face mask, or even baking. You could even build it into your schedule (eg: designate Sunday evening to self-care).
- Meditate:
If you have heard “you should try meditating” a million times before, you’re not alone. But, I have consistently meditated nearly every morning for the past four years and it has been life-changing.
According to Healthline, meditation controls anxiety, reduces stress, lengthens attention span (gen z needs that), and improves sleep amongst many other benefits. Basically, it’s the superfood of mental health.
Plus, it is accessible and you can start small: meditate for a few minutes here and there and then develop it into a habit that works for you – where that’s 5 minutes a day or 30 minutes once a week!
- Make your Bed:
THIS IS MY #1 ESSENTIAL HABIT!! I am such a made bed stan!
Looking for something to positively kickstart your day? Making your bed is the answer.
In addition to making you feel accomplished first thing in the morning, according to a CNBC study, those who made their bed were about 50% more likely to feel accomplished at the end of the day than those who didn’t. It’s easy, satisfying, and sets you up for success!
Plus, your room is a reflection of you. So, a clean room can foster a clean mental space.
These habits can help build you up to feeling mentally well while getting cool stuff done!